The Effect Of Using Digital Stories To Improve Students’ Listening Comprehension
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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan
Ni’mah, Afifin
420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno (Anglo-Saxon) 
2023-02-23 14:18:01 
Abstract :
Digital Story, Listening Comprehension, Cassetes Recorder.Listening is one of the skills that should be mastered before reading and writing. Listening is quite difficult than other skills. In fact. Many students got problem in listening and made them passive in class. Beside, many teachers got less attention in teaching listening and only used traditional way in teaching listening. That is why many students get bored and unmotivated in learning listening. The use of Digital Story can help the students in teaching listening process. The aim of this research is to find out the effect of teaching listening comprehension before and after being taught by using English Video/Animation Movie. Quantitative data from the listening comprehension test was analysed using t- tests was subjected to descriptive analysis. The populations of the study is was tenth grade students of SMKN 10 Malang. The sample was two classes namely experimental class which taught using Digital Story and control class which taught using cassetes recorder. The class was X TKR 3 as the experimental class consisted of 30 students and X TKR 4 as the control class consisted of 30 students. The result was analyzed by using SPSS. The success on applying Digital Story in students listening comprehension should be sen from the value of significant which was less than 0.05 than those 0.000. It indicate that the result of t-test analysis was significant. It was reinforced by the result of mean in post test 67.00 for Experimental groupand 50.67 for control group had a meaning taht students? score of experimental group had better than the students? score of control group. The researcher hopes that this research make teachers could enlarge their knowledge and comprehension in listening. They must select the appropriate materials and also treatment, such as Digital Stories materials for students?listening comprehension. This treatment makes students know their progress in listening comprehension. Furthermore, teachers should read many references or ask to other teachers to improve their listening comprehension. Besides, this research can also stimulate other researchers or as guide to do similar research and it will be useful for them who are interested in listening. 

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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan