An Analysis Of Illocutionary Act Of Michelle Obama’s Speeches
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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan
Mahfirotika, Mahfirotika
420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno (Anglo-Saxon) 
2023-02-23 14:18:03 
Abstract :
Speech acts, Illocutonary act, Michelle Obama.Speeches became an important media for Michelle Obama to deliver messages, persuade people, influence audience and the like. Speeches are heard by a lot of people, every person has different interpretations. With regard to this, languages in speeches became important to be analyzed. The objectives of this research were to answer the research question that consisted of (1) what are the types of illocutionary acts found in Michelle Obama?s speeches, (2) what are the reasons of Michelle Obama to perform such illocutionary acts viewed from the context of situation underlying the speeches. The research data consisted of two selected speeches delivered by Michelle Obama in ?Let Girls Learn Event? forum held in March 19, 2015 in Tokyo, Japan and the speech delivered in ?Girls? Education WISE 2015? forum held in 04 November 2015 in Doha, Qatar.The research was a descriptive qualitative research. The data in this research were speech videos that were then transcribed and analyzed. The main research instrument was the researcher herself supported by the data analysis sheet. The data analysis was performed by categorizing the data based on Searle?s categorization of speech acts. Each category was, then, throughly observed to find the answer of the second question. The final step was presenting the data and making a conclusion in reference to the findings of the data. The research findings show that the types of illocutionary acts found in Michelle Obama?s speeches consisting of assertives, directives, commisives and expressives. Assertives have the highest frequency of occurence or 97 (62%). It is followed by expressives, directives and commisives which occur 29 (18%), 24 (16%) and 6 (4%) respectively. The reasons of performing illocutionary acts viewed from the context of situation included socializing the global issue of girls? education around the world and ?Let Girls Learn? initiative, providing description about the importance of girls? education, ensuring the audience about global issue of girls? education, building the audience trust to Michelle Obama, and showing her seriousness to the audience that the changes of girls? education should be happen. Finally, assertives became the most dominant type of illocutionary act found in Michelle Obama?s speeches. The assertive acts include informing, convincing, questioning, describing and stating. Among those types of assertive, informing shows the highest frequency. Michelle Obama presented the act of assertives due to various reasons that can be seen from the context of situation underlying the speeches. With regard to this, other researchers may investigate speech acts in different context such as in the dialogue, song lyrics and the like; therefore, it may enrich the pattern or model of speech acts. 

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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan