Abstract :
This thesis is entitled†An Analysis of the Students’ Reading Ability in
Narrative Text of Grade Eleventh of SMA Kristen Petra in the School Year
The purpose of this study was to develop a way of reading English narrative
texts in students' short stories as a medium of learning for students at Kristen
Petra High School. This research uses classroom action research. This classroom
action research was carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps,
namely planning, action, observation and reflection. This research technique uses
a short story test consisting of multiple choices. The test consists of cycle I and
cycle II. This study analyzes the average score of each test to determine the
increase in students' vocabulary in the short story narrative text after the action
taken. The results showed that narrative texts could improve students' vocabulary,
which was seen in the results of the students' average score in Cycle I was 92 and
in Cycle II was 92. Concluded that teachers chose short story narrative texts to
learn and teach vocabulary as one of the techniques. To improve students' reading