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Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
rahmawati, fiqa nadia
L Education (General) 
2024-04-30 04:03:23 
Abstract :
Pentingnya guru untuk melakukan Analisis soal yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi soal yang baik, kurang baik, dan soal yang jelek. Dengan analisis soal dapat diperoleh informasi tentang kejelekan sebuah soal dan petunjuk untuk mengadakan perbaikan yang dapat menentukan peserta didik sudah atau belum menguasai materi yang diajarkan guru Jenis peelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang dengan populasi siswa siswi keas 5a SDN Benowo III Surabaya, dengan jumlah 20 orang. Teknik analisis data yaitu menggunakan tingkat kesukaran dan daya pembeda. Adapun hasil dalam penelitian ini yaitu berdasarkan hasil analisis tingkat kesukaran dapat disimpulkan bahwa soal UAS kelas 5 di SDN Benowo III termasuk ke dalam soal yang kurang berkualitas karena terdapat sebanyak 11 butir soal yang dinyatakan gugur. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis daya pembeda dapat disimpulkan bahwa soal UAS kelas 5 di SDN Benowo III termasuk soal yang cukup baik karena butir soal yang tergolong tidak baik dan jelek hamper seimbang dengan butir soal yang tergolong baik dan baik sekali. viii ABSTRACT Rahmawati, Fiqa Nadia 2023, Analysis Quality of The Every Semester Examination Text Exchange In IPA Class V SDN Benowo III Surabaya. Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology. University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Supervisor (1) Drs. Triman Juniarso, M.Pd. Supervisor (2)Imas Srinana Wardani, S.Pd., M.Pd. Keywords: Analysis of the quality of items, science subjects Semester Final Examination is an activity carried out by students to determine their ability to undersand the material of a subject. It is important for the teacher to do question analysis which aims to identify good, bad, and bad questions. With problem analysis, information can be obtained about the ugliness of a question and instructions for making improvements tan can determine whether or not students have mastered the materal taught by the teacher. The type of research used in this research is qualitative with a population of class 5A students at SDN Benowo III Surabaya, with a total of 20 people. The data analysis technique is using the level of difficulty and discriminating power. The results in this study, namely based on the results of the analysis of the level of difficutly, it can be concluded that the UAS questions for grade 5 at SDN Benowo III are included in the questions that are of less quality because there were as many as 11 items that were declared faled. Meanwhile, based on the results of the analysis of differentiators, it can be concluded that the UAS questions for grade 5 at SDN Benowo III are quite good because the items that are classified as bad and very bad are almost balanced with the items that are classified as good and very good 
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Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya