Abstract :
Purposes of the study are : To know the teacher strategies in teaching reading at second grade of student?s MTs Miftahussallam Sungai Danau Satui Academic Year 2016/2017. To know to what extent strategies do help the teacher in teaching reading comprehension atsecound grade of student?s MTs Miftahussallam Sungai Danau Satui Academic Year 2016/2017
This research show that in teaching reading comprehension the teacher uses various teaching strategies they are: memorizing, Question and answer relationship, Game discussion. Based on this research, those strategies are affective in teaching reading comprehension because can help student to comprehend the text. In short, those strategies give good contribution for teacher. Students who have difficulty in reading will be easir in mastering reading comprehension. With uses this strategy the teacher more easily gives the material to the students. Those strategies can help the teacher because the students more active. And the students can exchange their opinion with their friends.