The Use of Song in The Teaching of Listening Skill at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 4 ALALAK School Year 2017/2018
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Universitas Islam Kalimantan M A B Banjarmasin
Anugerah, Sandy
Hengky, Hengky
Ratna, Ratna
L Education (General) 
2019-09-30 08:28:58 
Abstract :
Music and songs are included in teaching media. The use of music and song in the classroom can stimulate very positive associations to the study of a language. The can also make the classroom situation more enjoyable for students and increase the students? interest to learn. Songs are choses here because many of the students had listened to it. It can stimulate their motivation to learn, and help the students learn listening.The objective of this research is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using song in teaching listening.This research is conducted at SMPN4 Alalak. The subject of this research is the English teacher of SMPN4 Alalak. The techniques of data collection used by the researcher is documentation.In conclusion, the teaching and learning process of using kids song have some advantages for the students. The students not only learn about how to master listening skill and know the meaning of the words, but also most of the students are interested in learning English by using songs. It seems that they feel more relaxed instead of threatened with theory. Their motivation in learning English is increased. Meanwhile, disadvantages of using songs in learning English. Loudly playing songs may disturb neighboring classes, and some learners get too excited and may forget about discipline. 

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Universitas Islam Kalimantan M A B Banjarmasin