Abstract :
Nafkah is an obligation that is born as a result of a legal marriage
relationship. This obligation is carried out by a man to his wife and family.
However, what if it is done by women seeing that in today's modern era the
changing perspective of society on the role and position of women in society, the
number of women who have careers, modern life that does not limit the
movement of women, including wives who earn a living. The existence of this
phenomenon requires a more in-depth study of the relationship between husband
and wife, which in fact must be irritated. The problems that become the focus of
the research in accordance with this background are: 1. What is the role of the
wife as the main breadwinner in Mubadalah's perspective; 2. What is the role of
the wife as the main breadwinner in the perspective of Law no. 1 of 1974
concerning Marriage. This research uses a normative juridical approach and a
reciprocal interpretation method (mafhum mubadalah). This type of research uses
a research library whose data can be obtained from books or variables in
accordance with related writing. The conclusion of this study is from two
perspectives. According to the concept of mubadalah, the position between man
and woman or husband and wife is mubadalah (annoyance). As for according to
Law no. 1 of 1974 that the rights and positions of husband and wife are balanced.
So, it doesn't matter if the wife acts as the breadwinner. However, this cannot be
separated from several provisions when the wife decides to become the
breadwinner in the family. Namely, he still does not leave his domestic role and
there is an agreement between him and his husband.