Abstract :
In learning at an early age reading is very important, because reading is a
way for children to be able to understand and understand language and reading
through the symbols they learn, by reading pictures with existing symbols according
to the way they read. Based on the problems faced in Raudhatul Athfal Ibnu Hajar
Malang, namely the lack of cooperation between parents and teachers, this is one that
teachers face in learning in schools for children, especially in learning to read
pictures. Because there is not enough time for children to only study at school,
children must study at home too. Because children spend more time at home than at
school, there must be good cooperation between teachers and parents to foster the
ability to read pictures, especially in group A Raudhatul Ibnu Hajar Muharto Malang,
this is done so that schools and parents get success for their children. -children in
learning at school, especially the learning activities of reading picture cards so that
the results achieved are in accordance with all expectations, both the success of the
school and the success expected by all parents.
The purpose of this research was to find out how to read pictures in
Raudhatul Ibnu Hajar Malang City, to find out how the teacher's efforts in developing
the ability to read pictures in Raudhatul Ibnu Hajar Malang City, and to find out what
obstacles the teacher faced in developing the ability to read pictures in Raudhatul.
Ibnu Hajar Muharto Malang. Researchers conducted research with descriptive
qualitative methods. In collecting data and information the researcher uses the
method of observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, the analysis used
by researchers in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, namely
describing the conditions as they are, without giving treatment or manipulation to the
variables being studied. Another definition of qualitative descriptive research is the
type of research with the process of obtaining data as is. Thus this research
emphasizes the meaning of the results.
The results show that the teacher has succeeded in learning to develop the
ability to read pictures in Raudhatul Athfal Ibnu Hajar Malang City, this can be seen
from the results of observations, namely from 22 children there are 4 children who
are less able to read pictures, if seen from here it can be It was concluded that most
of the children could read gamabar by using symbols. Because in learning how the
teacher's efforts in fostering the ability to read pictures, what the teacher does is by
using picture card media which is very attractive to children so that it is very easy for
children to memorize symbols more quickly and children can read picture cards well
and quickly. right.
The principal's suggestion is that teachers continue to improve their
creativity in developing learning to read pictures using existing media and by getting
information from outside the school, by participating in various kinds of training,
workshops, learning in electronic media, seminars and other activities that seek to
improve progress. and the quality of the school in the eyes of the community around
the school, especially for all parents of all students.