Abstract :
In the world of education, the role of parents is very important in providing
motivation to learn to children. Because parents are one of the factors that
influence children's learning achievement. Where children have high or low
motivation to learn is greatly influenced by parental support. The low motivation
to learn children is one of the obstacles to the achievement of a national education
goal. Children's low learning motivation will affect the learning process and
children's learning outcomes, but it can also affect children's behavior such as lack
of enthusiasm in learning, less able to adjust to learning and the school
The importance of motivation to learn in children is so that children have
enthusiasm and confidence in doing every activity. Researchers conducted early
observations in the field, the students at RA Al Irsyad Karangploso Malang
looked children were very excited in participating in the learning process while at
school, but also there were still some children who did not seem eager to follow
the learning process. This is very closely related to the role of parents in
supporting the learning process for their children.
From the background of the research above, the researcher formulated the
problem, namely about how children's motivation to study in RA Al Irsyad, the
role of parents in increasing children's learning motivation and parents' constraints
in increasing children's learning motivation. The purpose of this study is to
describe how children's motivation to learn at RA Al Irsyad, the role of parents in
improving children's learning motivation and parental constraints in increasing
children's learning motivation. To achieve the above objectives the study was
conducted with a qualitative research type. Data collection procedures are carried
out using the observation method, the researcher makes direct observations of the
symptoms encountered, the method of documentation that is looking for data
about things in the form of books, diaries and other important documents, and the
interview method that is using questions replied with the source of the researchers
namely the principal, the teacher, the parents and the child.
Learning motivation of each child in RA Al Irsyad Karangploso Malang is
different, it is due to the different ways of parents in carrying out their role as
parents in providing motivation to their children. There are parents who can spend
their time well in accompanying children's activities, some are only one of the two
parents, both fathers or mothers, who can only accompany children and there are
also those who do not have enough time to accompany and motivate children.
In this case the role of parents in RA Al Ershad is done more by a mother
than a father, more time is owned by the mother than a father. Because fathers
have more time to work so they cannot accompany their children every time, in
contrast to mothers who have more time at home with children so that it is more
optimal in running their prants as parents. In carrying out the role of parents who
provide motivation to learn in their children, parents have various kinds of
obstacles including, when parents with children, namely parents cannot provide
sufficient time in accompanying each child's activities, especially for parents who
are equally work, parental knowledge, that is, lack of understanding of how to
provide learning motivation that is appropriate to the child, and parental emotions,
namely negative emotions from parents in accompanying children due to
mismatches between parental desires and children's desires.
Based on the results of the analysis of the discussion data described above,
it can be concluded that, children's motivation to learn in RA Al Ershad varies.
There are children who have high, enough and low learning enthusiasm.
Children's learning motivation is influenced by the role of parents in providing
motivation to their children. Parents who can provide enough motivation to
children can develop a sense of enthusiasm and confidence in children, and vice
versa. Each parent also has different obstacles in providing motivation to learn in
children, including parent time with children, parental knowledge and negative
emotions in parents.