Strategi Pengelolaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Raudlatul Athfal Nurul Ulum Desa Gadungan Kecamatan Pocokusumo Kabupaten Malang
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Universitas Islam Malang
Maula, Anjani Hikmatul
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 
2020-12-22 03:09:02 
Abstract :
An early childhood education institution is an institution that is responsible for guiding the growth and development of children from birth to the age of six years. Lately, the growth and development of early childhood education institutions has increased very rapidly. However, the growth and development of early childhood education institutions is still not balanced with optimal management of education. Whereas the purpose of the management of early childhood education itself is so that the educational goals that have been designed can be achieved effectively and efficiently. So that the quality and quantity of institutions can be met properly. Based on preliminary observations, Raudlatul Athfal (RA) Nurul Ulum is one of the institutions of early childhood education which is in the formal education pathway and is located in the Gadungan village, Poncokusumo district, Malang regency. Until now the quality and quantity of RA Nurul Ulum education institutions have experienced a significant increase. This is evidenced by the data development of RA Nurul Ulum educational institutions in the 2016-2017 school year totaling 63 children, in the 2017-2018 school year the number of students increased to 70 children, in 2018-2019 there were 74 children, until 2019-2020 the number of children students in these institutions continue to grow to 80 children. From the background of the above research, the researcher formulated the problem, namely about how to plan, implement and evaluate early childhood education management carried out in RA Nurul Ulum, Gadungan village, Poncokusumo district, Malang regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, implementation, and evaluation in the management of early childhood education in RA Nurul Ulum educational institutions in Gadungan village, Poncokusumo district, Malang regency. To achieve these objectives, research is carried out using qualitative descriptive research types. Data collection procedures are carried out using observation, documentation and interview methods. The method of observation is direct observation of symptoms that occur in the environment. Documentation is the process of collecting data through records and records that exist at the institution. While the interview is a data collection technique that is done through a question and answer process with the speakers. In this research, the management of early childhood education is an idea created to support the educational process in order to achieve the expected educational goals. Because in essence, early childhood education is an effort made to help the growth and development of children optimally through providing stimulus. The results of this study indicate that early childhood education management planning is carried out through the creation of an institution curriculum. The curriculum includes programs and educational plans that will be implemented in the next year. The implementation of early childhood education management is carried out in accordance with the principles of professionalism and the needs and characteristics of child development. In addition, the implementation of education management is also carried out in accordance with community needs. Therefore the implementation of education management emphasizes more on selfdevelopment in the religious field. Evaluation of management of early childhood education is done in two ways. First, an evaluation is carried out by the principal to the teacher every month to find out the child's development. Secondly, evaluations are conducted by teachers of students as outlined in the form of daily, weekly, monthly and semester assessments. Things that need to be considered as a suggestion is that in planning education management should not only include annual and semester programs, but also weekly and daily program planning. Because the four programs are a unity, they are interconnected. In the implementation of education management, managers should pay more attention to the ratio of the ratio of the number of educators and students. Whereas for the evaluation of early childhood education management will be more optimal if the evaluation is not only focused on the growth and development of children, but can also be aimed at other supporting factors of children's education, such as school conditions, learning resources and educational play tools. 

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Universitas Islam Malang