Abstract :
In learning counting games for children in Kindergarten (TK) it is
explained that counting is part of mathematics. In everyday life, the ability to count
is very necessary. The introduction of the concept of numbers is the basis for
developing mathematical skills and the readiness of students to attend the next level
of education. The learning media used in learning to count must be in accordance
with the needs of the child. Counting games require a pleasant atmosphere and
provide freedom for students.
This research is a study on improving children's numeracy skills through
loose parts media in group A children in RA Bina Amanah, Batu city. The purpose
of this study is to describe the process of applying loose parts media to improve the
ability to count and recognize the concept of numbers and describe the increase in
the ability to count and recognize the concept of children RA group A A Bina
Amanah. To achieve these objectives, this study uses a type of classroom action
research (PTK), through a descriptive qualitative approach.
This research was conducted in 2 cycles, each of which consisted of
planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The data source obtained is in
the form of primary data sources. This data source was obtained through
observation, interviews, documentation collected from the principal, group A
educators and group A students. Data analysis techniques used were through the
data reduction stage, data exposure and conclusions.
The results showed that the ability to count and recognize the concept of
numbers through loose parts media in group A children RA Bina Amanah increased
and there was a change in the learning process. Based on the results of the research
as a whole it was accumulated from the beginning to the second cycle, an average
percentage increase of 91.67% and achieving completeness.
Through the application of loose parts media for group A children, which
is carried out in stages by presenting the loose parts media in learning activities that
are adjusted to the learning theme in each center, making learning to take place
actively fun in group A students and increasing all potential aspects of child
development students. This is evidenced by the increase and completeness of
learning outcomes from the three learning cycles carried out by researchers in
learning activities in each center showing good results. Both in terms of the
development of all aspects of the intelligence of students as well as in terms of the
presentation of learning that is fun for children aged group A through innovative
learning using loose parts media.