Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of motivation,
knowledge, return, risk and minimal capital on investment decision making in the
capital market. This research is a survey research which is a quantitative method
in the form of primary data. The population of this study were students of the
Faculty of Economics and Business, Malang 2016 Islamic University Force class
of 2016 and 2017. The sampling technique used simple random sampling and the
determination of sample size using Slovin formula. The sample used was 228
respondents, but the sample that could be processed was 200 respondents obtained
through data collection methods by distributing questionnaires measured using a
Likert scale. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis methods,
descriptive statistical tests, data quality tests, normality tests, classic assumption
tests, and hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS 16.0. The results of this study
indicate that simultaneous motivation, knowledge, return, risk and capital
minimally influence investment decision making. Motivation, return, and minimal
capital have a partially positive effect on investment decision making. Knowledge
and risk does not have a partially effect on investment decision making.
Keywords: investor preferences, motivation, knowledge, return, risk,
minimal capital and investment decision making.