Abstract :
This study was conducted to find out the interactional activities happening at Attarbiyatul Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School in Paiton Probolinggo. The study just focused on the interactional activities happening in both inside and outside of this Islamic boarding school which promoted the English learning. This study used descriptive case study as the research design. Two English teachers and two students were selected as the interviewee on this study. They were interviewed as the data source regarding on the interactional activities of outside and inside the classroom which promoted the English learning at Attarbiyatul Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School. Observation by taking field notes was conducted which helped the researcher to collect the information regarding to how the interactional activities were carried out and promoted the English learning at this Islamic boarding school. Documentation was carried out in the purpose of collecting data in form of videos, pictures, and recordings. Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the data descriptively through three-stage models, namely data reduction, data display, and verification/conclusion. The findings yielded that three main interactional activities promoted the English learning at Attarbiyatul Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School; face to face conversation, English speech delivery, and classroom teaching. The interactions of students and teachers which happened on the face to face conversation session communicatively using English promoted the English learning at this Islamic boarding school. It helped the students improve their vocabulary mastery and the grammatical uses in their speaking. English speech delivery which was done every Tuesday evening didn?t only helped the students to construct the text based on the given topic from the teachers, but it also helped the students to apply the English in front of public and heading to discuss the speech by answering the audiences? questions. It trained the students to apply English in correct grammatical uses and English words uses based on the discussions. Time to deliver and answer questions after the speech delivery helped the whole students learn and gain new knowledge of English instead of gaining an information about the speech itself only. The classroom teaching helped the students to learn more about English grammatical uses and words uses based on the context. Yet, the direct interactions between the English teacher and the students didn?t only discuss about the theory of English within 1,5 hours, but the students should apply the English speaking in the practice of the whole teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
Keywords: Interactional activity, English learning, Islamic boarding school