Abstract :
This study aims at developing reading materials for students of religion program
especially in first grade of Al ? Khoirot Islamic Senior High School, Malang. Based on the
researcher?s preliminary study on February 2019 by analyzing the book which used, namely
?Bahasa Inggris X? from the government and analyzing the syllabus, the researcher found many
problems from the book such as the book is using general English and not specific English, the
students of religion program are not interested to study English and the module is using difficult
vocabulary in each topic.
The research design of this study is Research and Development (R&D). ISD Model was
the development model is used by the researcher. This model consists of three phases: needs
analysis, instructional design, and implementation and evaluation. The procedures include three
steps: analyzing materials needed by the students of religion program, designing the reading
materials, and developing reading materials through ISD model. The development of reading
materials for students of religion program consists of Recount text, Narrative Text, and Song
lyric. The data is tried out to the first grade students of religion program in Islamic Senior High
School. Types of data obtained in this study are quantitative and qualitative data. The
instruments are questionnaire and observation sheet for two experts. The two experts are
involved in order to validate the product. There are three systematic aspects that validate the
research product: The System of Material Organization, The System of English Teaching, and
The system of Content.
The research finding indicates that based on the experts judgment as well as try-out
design result, the developing supplementary reading material is acceptable to be taught at the
first grade of the religion program students in Islamic Senior High School.