Abstract :
Introduction: Hyperglycemic on Diabetes Mellitus (DM) increase the ROS production and risk of diabetic nephropathy complications. Red gedi leaves (Abelmoschus Manihot (L.) Medik) are efficacious as an anti-diabetic and antioxidant, but the previous research about ethanol extract of red gedi leaves that used to prevent nephropathy complications has never been found. This study aims to know the effect of red gedi leave?s ethanol extract to the level of SOD and MDA?s Kidney in the diabetic rat model.
Method: This study used the 4-6 weeks old Sprague Dawley male rats which were divided into two groups control and three groups treatments (n=25). The diabetic rats induced a high-fat fructose diet and streptozotocin injection (25 mg/kg BB) i.p with multiple doses. The rats were administrated orally ethanol extract of red gedi leaves for 4 weeks. SOD and MDA?s kidney are measured by the SOD and MDA rad kit. Data analyzed by using one-way ANOVA analysis and LSD (p<0,05).
Result : Ethanol extract of red gedi leaves dose 800 mg/kg BB inhibits the decreases levels of SOD rat kidney tissue around 60% compared to KDM (p<0.05). Ethanol extract of red gedi leaves dose 400 mg/kg BB inhibits the increases levels of MDA rat kidney tissue around 20% compared to KDM (p<0.05). The high-fat fructose diet and streptozotocin induction decrease SOD kidney tissue?s level around 40% and increase MDA kidney tissue?s level around 30%.
Conclusion: Giving ethanol extract of red gedi leaves can inhibit the decrease in SOD levels of kidney tissue and inhibit the increase in MDA levels of kidney tissue.
Keywords: Red gedi, SOD, MDA, diabetes mellitus