Pengaruh Tingkat Kesiapan Akademik terkait Perilaku Membaca, Kebiasaan Membaca, dan Kemampuan Akademik terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran
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Universitas Islam Malang
Yustika, Sinta Desi
Kesiapan Akademik 
2020-11-12 06:37:35 
Abstract :
Introduction: Student with low GPA (Grade Point Average) indicate that they aren?t ready to attend lectures. The dimensions of academic readiness are reading behaviours and academic proficiency, but in this study researchers also observed reading habits can build academic readiness and improve academic achievement. This study aims to analyze the academic readiness factors of academic achievement and observing difference of academic readiness. Methods: This study used analytical observational design with cross sectional method by collecting primer data with questionnaire and secunder data from academic staff Faculty of Medicine Islamic University of Malang. The respondents is 233 students, then analyzed the quality and relationship among construct by using SEM-PLS and comparative test using one-way ANOVA method. Result: In forming academic readiness, reading behaviours (T-statistic 1,348, O 0,104), reading habits (T-statistic 5,915, O 0,427), and academic proficiency (Tstatistic 4,976, O 0,074) show 0,270 for R2 so it proves the positive effect. The effect academic readiness on academic achievement show 0,114 for R2, 4,976 for T-statistic, and O 0.380 shows positive significant effect. There is no significant differences of academic readiness between classes. Conclusion: Academic readiness is form by reading behaviours, reading habits, and academic proficiency and have an effect on academic achievement which applies to all classes. Keywords: academic readiness, reading behaviours, reading habits, academic proficiency, academic achievement. 

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Universitas Islam Malang