Abstract :
In this thesis, the author raised the tittle The Implementation Of The Legislative Function Of The Village Consultative Body (BPD) Within The Framework Of Village Autonomy, the choise of tittle is motivated by the author?s curiosity about how effective the role of the BPD in the Village of Girimoyo in carrying out the legislative function together with the Village Goverment in order to create properity in the village. Based on this background, this study raises the following problem formulation: 1. How does the implementation of the legislative function of the village in the framework of village autonomy ? 2. What are the inhibiting factors in implementing the legislative function and efforts to enhance the role of the BPD in the field of legislation? This research is an empirical juridical research by looking at the facts in the field. The data used are primary data that is data obtained from the girimoyo village office. The results of this study indicate that, BPD has partnered well with the village goverment and has carried out its legislation function quite well. Althought there are several obstacles, including : communication, human resource, culture of the legal community is low. Then future efforts are holding discussions and deliberations, providing motivation, training on legal drafting and socializing to the community.
Keywords : Implementation, The Legislative Function BPD, Village Autonomy