Potensi Probiotik pada Kemelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Plankton pada Kolam Bioflok
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Universitas Islam Malang
Putri, Yulan Hardias
2020-11-14 02:50:11 
Abstract :
One alternative to overcome the quality (pH) of water in aquaculture is by using probiotics. Water quality (pH) and water fertility level in aquaculture ponds, one of the biological parameters is plankton. Plankton is an organism that lives in the waters, plays an important role in the life of other biota as a source of natural food. The purpose of this study was to analyze the abundance and diversity of plankton in aquaculture ponds that were given probiotics. The results showed that there were 10 classes and 26 species of phytoplankton, namely the 6 genus Cyanophyceae including Synechococcus, Oscilatoria, Choococcus, Spirulina, Microcystis, Scytonema. Chlorophyceae class 6 genus namely Haematococcus, Chlorella, Stigeoclonium, Calodophora, Tetraedon, Pyrobotrys. Bacillariophyceae class 5 genus namely Navicula, Eunotia, Cartuicula, Melosira, Rhaicosphera. Class Trebouxiophyceae 2 genus, namely Botryococcus, Dictyosphaerium. The Euglenoidea class 1 genus is Euglena. Cryptophyceae class 1 genus is Rhodomonas. Class Charophyceae 2 genus Mougeotia and Cryptomonas. The Zygnematophyceae class contains the Closterium species. The Cyanophyta class contains the Anacystis species. The Chrysophyceae class contains Dinobryon species. From the results of Zooplankton identification, there are 3 classes and 3 species, namely Branchiopoda class, namely the Holopedium species. The Maxillopoda class is the Copepod species. The Monogononta class is the Ascomorpha species. From the results of the highest plankton diversity index at noon with an index value of 2.95575 and the lowest Plankton diversity in the morning treatment with an index value of 2.0099. Keywords: Plankton, Probiotics, Bioflok. 

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Universitas Islam Malang