Pengaruh Psikoedukasi Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba terhadap Pengetahuan, Motivasi, dan Perilaku pada Siswa SMA
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Universitas Islam Malang
Permata, Viola Dara Bunga
2020-11-17 03:23:55 
Abstract :
Background: In Indonesia, drug abuse is one of the cases that are often found in the community.. In Senior high school students the group that used drugs was 2.4% higher than universities, namely 1.8%. Solutions that can be done to reduce the prevalence of drug abuse, one of which can be done with psychoeducation. Psychoeducation is an action given to individuals in a special way in overcoming psychosocial problems experienced by someone. Knowledge that is grown through psychoeducation will be able to influence the belief of someone who had the wrong motivation in understanding drugs to be a true believer so that it will bring up the intention or strong intention to behave away from drugs. This study aims to determine the effect of psychoeducation on prevention of drug abuse on knowledge, motivation and attitude changes in adolescents at the Senior High School. Method: This study uses a Quasi experiment research design with one group pre-test and post-test design. Data analysis techniques used include the normality test using KolmogrovSmirnov, homogeneity testing using lavene test and hypothesis testing using t-dependent test.Data analysis techniques used include the normality test using Kolmogrov-Smirnov, homogeneity testing using lavene test and hypothesis testing using t-dependent test. Sampels were taken at one of the Senior High School Islam in Malang in February 2019 with a presentation of 3 times psychoeducation in a period of 1 week Results: Based on the dependent results of the t-test sampel it can be seen that the p-value for the knowledge is 0,000, the motivation is 0.002 and the behavior is 0,000. So based on different tests it is known that the Knowledge, Motivation, and Behavior there are significant differences. Conclusion: Psychoeducation influences knowledge, motivation, and behavior changes towards drugs in high school students in dealing with drug abuse Keywords: psychoeducation, knowledge, motivation, attitude, drug abuse and student of Senior High School 

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Universitas Islam Malang