Abstract :
The rights and obligations husband wife.
The concept of the rights and obligations of husband and wife in the
discussion of fiqh is very important to be studied and examined in detail in this
contemporary era. Jurisprudence provisions related to the rights and obligations of
husband and wife are still experiencing inequality or lameness. Social problems
about the husband absolutely become the leader of the household. This is found in
the thoughts of Sayyid Muhammad Alawi in the work of Adab al-Islam fi Nizam
Al Usr?h where with all aspects of reality and Shari'a that men are absolute
leaders in their families by nature and nature because of excess of reason and
religion. On the other hand KH. Husein Muhammad in his book Fiqh Wanita;
Ki?i's Reflection on the T?fsir Discourse Agam? and Gender questions the
absolute relevance of a man's leadership. Based on the times and the existence of
men and women are balanced and parallel. From this background, the composer
tried to examine the two focus issues in this discussion, 1) How the Concept of
Thought of Sayyid Muhammad Alawi and KH. Hussein Muhammad regarding the
rights and obligations of husband and wife? 2) What are the similarities and
differences and their relevance regarding the rights and obligations of husband
and wife with the applicable law in I ndonesia ?.
This type of research uses the Library Reseacrh (Literature Study). This
type of research was conducted in the study and discussion of classical and
contemporary literature literature. Especially the thought Sayheed Muhammad
Alawi and KH Husein Muhammad as the object of this study .
Based on the results of the research, the rights and obligations of husband
and wife according Sayheed Muhammad Alawi about the concept detailed
description and KH. Husein Muhammad about the concept concise description :
muasyarah bilmakruf. The similarities are based on Al Quran and As-Sunah.
Difference to understanding the Nash Al Quran and As Sunah with a different
approach. Sayheed Muhammad Alawi Conservative-Tektualis. While KH. Husein
Muhammad Progressive-kontektualis part of the second view of the figure is still
relevant to the compilation of Islamic law, especially in pasal 83 and UU.No. 23
years 2003 ayat 9 KDRT.
Keywords: Sayheed Muhammad Alawi, KH. Husein Muhammad, camparison,