Kebijakan Bumdes dalam Mensejahterakan Masyarakat (Kasus Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Rakyat di Desa Gersik Putih Kecamatan Gapura Kabupaten Sumenep)
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Universitas Islam Malang
Asrori, Imam
Kebijakan BUMDES 
2020-11-20 01:49:10 
Abstract :
This research departs from Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, which is part of the efforts to achieve the empowerment of the Indonesian State and Nation from the independence of its Villages. As for realizing an independent village, he established a village economic institution. One of them is the VillageOwned Enterprises (BUMDES). This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of qualitative research. The location of the study was in Gersik Putih Village with a research site in BUMDES Gersik Putih Village Gapura District Sumenep Regency. Data Sources consisting of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques consisting of data reduction, data presentation and verification or drawing conclusions. The results showed that the BUMDES policy in the welfare of the community (the case of community economic empowerment in the Gersik Putih Village Gapura District Sumenep Regency) by empowering the people of the White Gersik Village the White Gersik Village community including people who have businesses, the poor, women's business groups and local residents Gresik Village White. The form of empowerment utilizes the potential that exists in Desa Gersik Putih by managing various preparations, namely processed brains, milkfish brains, fried milkfish, and grilled / grilled milkfish. BUMDES policy in choosing management that has the ability and experience in organizing economic development and community empowerment. The implementation of the policy is the parties involved in the implementation of the policies of all BUMDES management starting from the chairman, secretary, treasurer, heads of business units, workers in each village drinking water business, chartering, barging and saving and loan. The obstacles faced by BUMDES in implementing its policies are some people who have businesses do not want to join BUMDES. Community welfare since BUMDES has fixed income. The economic impact for the village increases with the presence of BUMDES 

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Universitas Islam Malang