Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Tema 6 Cita-Citaku Kelas IV di MI Darul Hikam Kota Baru
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Universitas Islam Malang
Oktaviana, Dina
2020-11-20 02:52:18 
Abstract :
Keywords: Scientific, Thematic, 6th Theme. Thematic learning is integrated learning consisting of several themes and linkages between several subjects. Thematic learning in the curriculum 2013 uses a scientific approach which includes the 5 M, namely observing, asking, trying, reasoning, and communicating. In addition, in the curriculum 2013, students are required to be active in the learning process carried out and the teacher is only a facilitator. Teachers must also be able to develop student activity through motivation or activities that can give students enthusiasm. Therefore, teachers in carrying out the learning process need an approach that is suitable for upper class students to be more active and can increase effectiveness, motivation and even improve student learning outcomes with authentic assessments consisting of attitudes, knowledge, and social assessments. Based on preliminary observations, that teachers as educators are expected to be able to understand the character of students, so as to improve learning outcomes better. This can be done using a scientific approach which consists of observing, asking, trying, reasoning and communicating in the thematic learning 6th theme my ideals which can help students be more active and involved directly in the learning process. From the research background above, the researcher formulated the problem, namely regarding teacher planning in implementing the scientific approach to thematic learning in 6th theme my ideals in class four, implementing the scientific approach in thematic learning in 6th theme my ideals in class four, and the constraints and solutions of the teacher. in implementing a scientific approach to thematic learning on 6th theme my ideals in class four at Darul Hikam Elementary School Batu. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze teacher planning in implementing a scientific approach to the thematic learning in 6th theme my ideals in class four, describing the implementation of the scientific approach in thematic learning in 6th theme my ideals in class four and explaining the obstacles and solutions of the teacher in implementing the scientific approach to thematic learning on in 6th theme my ideals in class four at Darul Hikam Elementary School Batu. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the research was conducted using a qualitative approach and a type of case study research. The data collection procedure was carried out using the observation method is the activity of loading attention to an object using all sensory organs, the interview method is the ix conversation with a specific purpose. The conversation was carried out by two parties, namely the interviewer and the resource person who gave the answer to the question, and the method of documentation is a search for data regarding matters related to detail in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, agendas, and others. In this study, teacher planning in implementing student scientific teaching in thematic learning 6th theme my ideals in class four, the teacher designed the syllabus, annual program (prota), semester program, and plans for implementing learning and assessments carried out on students which included assessment of attitudes, knowledge and skills. In preparing lesson plans, teachers follow according to the Minister of Education and Culture. In addition, the making of plans for implementing learning is made for one semester before the beginning of the semester. Learning planning is also carried out based on the curriculum 2013. This is done so that the implementation of thematic learning runs well and smoothly. Based on the thematic learning planning 6th theme my ideals by implementing the scientific approach in class four, it was found that in the implementation of thematic learning with a scientific approach using 5 M which consists of observing, asking, trying, reasoning, and communicating. The implementation of learning with a scientific approach is still not optimal and sometimes it is not in accordance with the planning that has been made previously. However, in the implementation of the 5 M activities, the teacher tries to provide guidance to students in their role as a facilitator so that learning is learner-centered and can improve student learning outcomes. Some of the obstacles faced by teachers in implementing a scientific approach to thematic learning are: students are not confident in learning, especially when communicating activities and differences in the character of students in understanding everything that becomes their own constraints for teachers because they have to adjust learning with the character of students, and In thematic learning with a scientific approach there are still many students who are less focused. In improving and enhancing learning conducted there are various activities undertaken by teachers such as participating in KKMI, 

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Universitas Islam Malang