Abstract :
Teaching and learning in kindergarten is a form of learning to improve
development p e rilaku discipline in each child. In this case the teacher plays an
important role in enhancing the development capabilities and p e rilaku good
discipline in children . Discipline is needed to shape children into generations of
character and have the ability to develop their life achievements, with the
discipline that someone has, that person will have a good character . teaching
the value of discipline from an early age is intended to be more rooted in children
so that it will become a habit. Age early was the golden era at the same time a
critical time in the stage of human life.
Habit is an activity that is carried out continuously and in children's daily
life so that it becomes a good habit. This habit includes aspects of moral
development and religious values, socio-emotional development and
independence . P embiasaan very important early on so that will have a major
impact on the personality of children when they are older. Because habituation
that has been done since childhood will be strong in memory and become a habit
that cannot be changed easily . Habit is one of the most important educational
methods, especially for children, because children at this age do not know the
good and bad of what they do and say. Their attention is easily shifted to new
things they encounter in their surroundings.
Habit is one of the most important educational methods, especially for
children, because children at this age do not know the good and bad of what they
do and say. Their attention is easily shifted to new things they encounter in their
The objectives of this study were: (1) To describe the discipline of group B
children in TK Muslimat NU 10 Randuagung Singosari. (2) To describe
the implementation of habituation in improving the discipline of group B children
in TK Muslimat NU 10 Randuagung Singosari. (3) To describe
the implementation of habituation it can improve the discipline of group B
children in TK Muslimat NU 10 Randuagung Singosari . The benefits expected
from this study are: (1) Benefits for researchers .
Researchers are able to make improvements to the learning system in
kindergarten, can adjust the appropriate method for kindergarten children.
(2) Benefits for students . Can instill discipline from an early age in early
childhood so that they become a better person as early as possible, can familiarize
themselves in doing good things so that students are accustomed and no longer
hesitate in doing these good things. (3) Benefits for schools . Provide positive
things for improving learning, as material for consideration / reference for further
The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative because
researchers can produce complex and detailed data about the education
management strategies carried out at TK Muslimat NU 10 Randuagung Singosari
according to the facts in the field. This type of research used in this research is a
case study . Sources of data used are: (1) primary data (2) secondary data. Data
collection techniques (1) Observation (2) interviews (3) Documentation. The data
analysis method used consists of three main components, namely data reduction,
data presentation and drawing conclusions. The three components are interrelated
both before, during and after the implementation of data collection.
Planting disciplined behavior in children age early in kindergarten NU's 10
Singosari Randuagung is conducted through a learning process everyday, planting
disciplined behavior will be sustained. Based on the results of the research that
has been carried out referring to the existing problems, it can be concluded as
follows: (1) Discipline behavior of group B children at TK Muslimat NU 10
Randuagung Singosari before habituation is used, there are still many children
who cannot behave in discipline, especially when lining up, during prayers , when
resting time to eat, as well as when learning takes place. (2) The implementation
of habituation in improving the disciplinary behavior of group B children at TK
Muslimat NU 10 Randuagung Singosari after getting used to the teachers gave an
example of applyingdisciplinary behavior so that students follow the behavior
carried out by the teacher. (3) The implementation of habituation can improve the
disciplinary behavior of group B children at TK Muslimat NU 10 Randuagung
Singosari by always getting used to doing things on time which includes being on
time to go to school and also on time to participate in learning activities.
Keywords: Discipline Behavior, Habit