Kemampuan Guru dalam melakukan Variasi Pembelajaran Tematik di Madrasah Ibtidayah Raudlatul Ulum Karangploso Malang
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Universitas Islam Malang
Ahmad, Jainal
Kemampuan Guru 
2020-12-04 03:24:07 
Abstract :
The teacher is a manager in learning who is responsible for planning, implementation and assessment so that teachers are required to have the ability to carry out the learning process. Learning can be said to be effective if the knowledge conveyed by the teacher can be quickly understood by students, students do not feel bored and students become active. Based on the results of initial observations, the fourth grade teacher is a teacher who is full of enthusiasm in carrying out his duties as a teacher who teaches thematic subjects.Thematic learning can be interesting if it is well packaged by teachers so that a figure of a teacher who has special abilities is needed in terms of the skills of processing the learning process. In this era, there are still types of teachers who carry out the learning process by relying on verbal delivery so that learning seems monotonous. From the above background, the researcher formulated the problem, namely how the teacher's ability to do variations on thematic learning, student responses during the thematic learning process and the constraints experienced by the teacher when implementing thematic learning variations in the Madrasah Ibtidayah Raudlotul Ulum Karang Ploso Malang. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the ability of teachers to implement variations in thematic learning, student responses during the activity of thematic learning and the constraints experienced by teachers when implementing thematic learning variations. To achieve the objectives of the problem, this study was conducted with a type of qualitative research with research procedures using participatory observation methods, structured interviews and documentation. In this study the teaching variations that have been applied by teachers include variations in teaching styles, variations in media use and variations in interaction patterns. Based on the effort that has been applied by the teacher, the researcher concludes that the teacher's ability to do variations on thematic learning is that the teacher has tried as much as possible by applying 3 components of variation in the thematic learning process in class IV which includes variations with questions and answers, discussions, quizzes, picture media , the use of sound and changing positions in teaching thematic learning. This has fulfilled at least a number of skill components in making variations. Of the various responses that have been shown by students during the thematic learning process, there are overall 2 things: active response and passive response. In connection with an active response that is students always ask questions, respect the teacher, there is interaction between the teacher, students pay attention to the teacher's explanation and follow the teacher's directions during the learning process. In the case of passive responses such as students having difficulty asking questions, not being active in collaboration and showing feeling lazy. The constraints experienced by teachers when doing variations are the lack of media or teaching aids, teachers cannot apply various patterns of interaction in variations of teaching, the characteristics of different students and teachers have difficulty in having to explain learning 1-6 on 1 sub-theme because the material is very broad. Keywords: Teacher's Ability, Variation, Thematic Learning 

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Universitas Islam Malang