Abstract :
Education is all conscious activities or efforts carried out by edducators to
students on all aspect of personality development both physically and spiritually.
Every student has their right,both the raight to obtain education and the raight to
protect themselves, various forms of violence because every student has the right
to obtain knowledge withaout any discrimination/violence. The phenomenon of
violence against children has made MI TarbiyatulUlumBatu make efforts in
overcoming it through the Child Friendly Education Program and always to
implement child friendly education program and always to implement child
friendly educations in the school environment. Based on the results of
observations made at MI TarbiyatulUlumBatu, that the school is implementing
Child Friendly Educations, this is seen from the way all educations sttaf in the
school environment treat their students without any acts of physical violence. To
achieve these objectives above research with a type of qualitative research. The
procedure of data collection is done using observation methods. The
implementation of child friendly education at MI TarbiyatulUlumBatu has been
quite good even though there is still something that must be improved for its