Abstract :
Speaking is the ability to use language to express the feeling, ideas, and
opinion. Speaking is one of the language skills that should be learnt and mastered.
Many researchers have discussed about the radio broadcasting as an alternative
teaching strategy to support students increasing their speaking skills. The
researcher conducts the study in the different level. This research is aimed to find
out the effect of radio broadcasting on students? speaking achievement at second
grade of SMP Bilingual Terpadu Krian on academic year 2019/2020. The research
problem is whether the students of second grade in SMP Bilingual Terpadu Krian
have higher speaking skill after taking radio broadcasting.
This research adopted a pre-experimental research design. The instrument
of the test was the oral speaking test. The subjects of the research are the student
of second grades at SMP Bilingual Terpadu. They were taught speaking skill by
using radio broadcasting. Before giving the treatment the students were given
pretest and after giving the treatment, the students were also given a post test for
collecting the data.
The data of the test which were in the form of the gained score was
analyzed using a paired sample t-test with the significant level of p=5%. It was
found that the mean score of the pre-test was 45.20667 and the mean score of the
post-test was 77.70833. The value of t-obtained = 21.398 (p: .000). Therefore, it
can be concluded that the application of radio broadcasting on students? speaking
achievement was effective.
It is suggested that other researchers conduct the research with different
research design, level of students, additional instruments and number of