Abstract :
Reading is being one of the important activities in order to obtain knowledge because there are a lot of information that can be acquired through written media and can add the learners? vocabulary. Reading as receptive skills is suitable to be learned to the students in initial study, such as in elementary school and junior high school. The successful development of the learners in reading will have an impact on the ability of the learners in productive skill. It is important to make the learners have desire in doing reading, the ways are by providing good strategy in teaching reading and knowing what make the learners love reading. The purpose of this research are (1) to find the teacher?s strategies in teaching reading and (2) to find the students? interest in reading. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative method. Through this method, the researcher analyzed the strategies that used by the teacher in teaching and the interest of the students in learning reading in class IX at SMPN 5 Camplong. The students who become the subject of this research are from 2 classes with total 47 students. The techniques used in this research to collecting data were observation, questionnaire, and interview. The result of this research showed that in teaching reading the teacher used some strategies, there are: (1) 3 phase technique, (2) scaffolding, and (3) think aloud. While the factors that influence the students? interest are: (1) students? previous experience, (2) teacher values, (3) understandable subject.