Abstract :
The students of SMK-Bhakti Luhur Malang hadlow achievement in English at
speaking ability. They didn?t have strong motivation in studying English, they were afraid to
speak English. Therefore, a special method is needed to improve the students? speaking
ability. The research design of this study was a classroom action research. The subjects of the
research were 30 students. This study was done in two cycles. However before implementing
these cycles, the researcher carried out preliminary study to find out the students? problem in
studying English.
In this class action research aims to improve the teaching and learning process of
English to measure their improvements in speaking ability, the researcher has determined the
criteria of success. And the student was said successful if student got a least 70. The class
percentage was said successful if 85% the students or more reached the passing grade. The
researcher employed the collaborative classroom action research design and the researcher
was assisted by a collaborator teacher in conducting the study. The research was conducted in
three main steps; Planning of action, observation, and reflection. The objective of this study
is to improve the speaking ability in procedure text live performance of the second grade at
SMK ? Bhakti Luhur Malang.
This research use Classroom Action Research adapted from Stephan Kemmis and
Robin Mc.Taggart( 1992 in Arikuntoro 2002 ) in planning, action, observing, and reflecting
on the data collected from teaching and learning process and the students speaking
presentation test. The subjects of this students were 30 students the second grade. This
research of two cycles because in the second cycle the criteria success achieved. Each of
them consisted of three meetings for teaching learning process. The data were collected
through : observation sheet and presentation test.
In this research, the researcher used kinds of procedure text live performance
The finddings indicated that using procedure text live performance is one of the
strategy-improved students ability in speaking procedure text . After the researcher conducted
the first and second cycle, it was shown that the result of the second cycle improved. Only 5
of 30 students (15%) still received scores under the target 70. The improvement of the
students score had met the criteria of success, because twenty five students(85%) achieved
the target score (70). Therefore, it is suggeted to English teachers and future researchers who
want to improve the students English speaking ability in procedure text live performance. it
also makes the students more interested and active in teaching and learning process.