Abstract :
The discipline of learning is one of the factors increasing learning
achievement. With improved learning achievement, educational goals can be
achieved. Discipline of students can be seen when students are able to place and
control themselves while in school, then violations do not occur and the atmosphere
of learning becomes comfortable and conducive, so as to achieve educational goals
(Wiyani, 2013: 158). Classes that are comfortable and conducive make the learning
process in class effective, so that optimal student learning achievement.
Based on observations made by researchers at Junior High School 26
Malang, there are a number of disciplinary problems including students still
outside the classroom when the bell rings, there are also students who are late for
school, do not pay attention to the explanations of educators, and do not do the
tasks given by educator. Habits carried out by students affect the learning
achievement of students. Likewise, students with a discipline of learning have high
learning achievements, whereas students who are not disciplined have a low
learning achievement.
The discipline of learning is one of the factor to improve the chance to get
learning achievement. When the achievement was improved, educational goals can
be achieved. This thesis consists of two variables, which is the discipline of learning
(independent variable/ X variable) and learning achievement (dependent variable/
Y variable). The purpose of this study was to identify a significant effect between
learning discipline on student achievement in Islamic religion subjects in 8th grade
Junior High School 26 Malang.
This thesis research uses quantitative approach and type of descriptive
research. The study population consisted of 207 students, then samples were taken
using the Slovin formula and produced a sample of 136 out of 207 students, then
stratified sampling with details of classes VIII A and VIII B with a sample of 22
people, classes VIII C to VIII F with a sample of 23 people. Data collection
procedures using questionnaire research instruments or questionnaires and
documentation. Data collection techniques using questionnaires totaling 30 items
and distributed to respondents online, while the technique of collecting data using
documentation is done by asking students' learning outcomes from Islamic subject
teachers and school profiles to the TU (Administration) section. Data processing
in this study uses Simple Linear Regression Analysiswith the help of SPSS computer
version 20.0.
Learning discipline is one of the factors increasing student learning
achievement. Based on the research instrument using a questionnaire distributed
to 136 students online, the results of the study of student learning discipline in the
subject of Islamic education grade 8th in Junior High School 26 Malang amounted
to 68.7%, with the meaning of learning discipline included in the category good
(Riduwan, 2011: 15).
Learning achievement is a benchmark for students' understanding after the
learning process. Learning achievement is indicated by changes in student behavior
in the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects (Sudjana, 2009: 3). The 2013
curriculum says the KKM value in Islamic religious education subjects is 75. Based
on data collection techniques using documentation, the average grade of Islamic
religious education grade 8th in Junior High School 26 Malang is 83.1 (good
Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a positive and
significant influence between learning discipline on learning achievement in
Islamic religion subjects 8th at Junior High School 26 Malang with significance
value 0.00 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted.