Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membina Kecerdasan Spiritual Siswa di MTS Raudlatul Ulum Ngijo Karangploso Malang
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Universitas Islam Malang
Laili, Irma Maulida
Kecerdasan Spiritual 
2020-12-14 05:35:56 
Abstract :
Along with the development of the times there are often problems regarding the spiritual crisis of students, so the education world is less able to produce the expected generation. Because the world of education today is more often focused on the importance of intellectual intelligence, knowledge, and abilities (skills) of the students alone, without being matched like spiritual intelligence. Therefore, for the solution to the problem, the Strategy of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering Spiritual Intelligence Students are very helpful in the world of education to create a generation of people who have a morality. And it is also very important in the world of Islamic Education and for the future of students so that they can get into the community well. For this reason, researchers took research in Mts Raudlatul Ulum Ngijo Karangploso Malang with the title Islamic Education Teacher Strategy in Fostering Students' Spiritual Intelligence. This study aims to: 1. Describe the condition of spiritual intelligence of students at Mts Raudlatul Ulum Ngijo Karangploso Malang. 2. Describe the strategy of PAI teachers in fostering the spiritual intelligence of students at MTs Raudlatul Ulum Ngijo Karangploso Malang. 3. Describe the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in fostering spiritual intelligence of students in MTs Raudlatul Ulum Ngijo Karangploso Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of field research (field research). The research location is in Mts Raudlatul Ulum Ngijo Karangploso Malang. Data collection techniques carried out by continuous observation or disguised, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The results of this study are: 1. The condition of students' spiritual intelligence is: Varied level of intelligence, lack of understanding of God's presence in carrying out religious activities. 2. Strategies of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Fostering Spiritual Intelligence of Students are: by providing habituation to students through religious activities such as dhuha prayer and dzuhur in congregation, recitation of the Koran and short suras, recitation of tahlil and istighosah. Habit outside of learning such as being polite to others or to elders, instilling an attitude of caring for others, getting used to solving problems by finding the best way out. And varied learning. Next are the supporting and inhibiting factors 1. Supporting and inhibiting factors. The supporting factors such as, the existence of school rules to provide limits to students so as not to violate the rules, the role of all teachers in Mts Raudlatul Ulum, residents who contribute to securing students who violate outside the school when school activities are taking place. 2. Inhibiting factors. The inhibiting factors are, different levels of awareness and intelligence, parents 'backgrounds, limited time to foster students' spiritual intelligence, school facilities and infrastructure. 

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Universitas Islam Malang