Abstract :
The principal is a leader in the field of teaching and curriculum development, the
leadership of An-Nur II Bululawang High School Malang Malang can encourage schools to realize
the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the school through programs that are planned and
carried out gradually so that Scouting extracurricular activities are needed to develop help the
development of students in An-Nur II High School. Extracurricular activities are very important
and very closely related to student achievement, through extracurricular activities students can
experience and gain broad insights, the results achieved by An-Nur II High School students after
participating in scouting extracurricular activities have a positive impact when in the classroom,
through extracurricular students will more active and skilled.
The purpose of this study is to describe the efforts of school principals in the development
of scouting extracurricular activities in An-Nur II Bululawang High School Malang and to describe
the implementation of scouting extracurricular development activities in An-Nur II Bululawang
High School Malang.
The method used in this research is to use a qualitative research approach and type of
case study research. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and
documentation methods, then the presentation of data researchers using data reduction, data
presentation and drawing conclusions, while the validity of the data by extending participation,
perseverance of observation, triangulation and reference materials.
From the findings of the research the principal's efforts to develop the scouting
extracurricular activities have a scouting program namely the Implementation of the Scouting
Regular Regulatory System, through the areas of Routine Training, Facilities and Administration,
adult finance and education activities. Achievement of SKU (general skills requirements) as a
requirement to become a member, Achievement of SKK (special skills requirements) as
identification to be an enforcer. The principal gives the scoutmaster the opportunity to target in 3
years, the target is in the form of training for the race, and scouting material. To develop scouting
extracurricular activities that have a religious character, the principal gives students the
opportunity to take part in various competitions both at school, district and outside the district.
Scouting extracurricular activities are carried out on Saturdays at 5-8 with 4 hours. Scouting is
also usual held on holidays namely Friday starting at 09.00-10.00 WIB, where boy scouts learn
material that has been given, then they remember and apply the material. Several factors influence
the students to move extracurricular in the middle, the difficulty of asking permission from the
pesantren, the time and equipment required by students for scouting training is not optimal.
In conclusion, the principal provides programs such as scouting, facilities and
administration, finance and adult education. Students participate in various competitions in
schools, districts and outside the district. In addition students are trained to foster scouts at AnNur Middle School and An-Nur MI. The development of scouting extracurricular activities at the
AN-NUR High School in Bululawang Malang was held on Saturdays starting at 5-8 hours in
accordance with Teaching and Learning Activities which is 4 hours. Students also practice
independently on Friday at 09.00-10.00 WIB to remember and repeat the material that has been
given previously.
As a suggestion, the principal in developing the scouting extracurricular sector in order
to complement the needs for scouting activities, to improve the quality of extracurricular scouting
activities in Islamic boarding schools to provide a solution for the time constraints between school
activities and boarding school activities, for extracurricular supervisors and coordinators, it is
recommended that each 1 semester evaluate each activities that have been carried out.