Abstract :
Since the content in the English book used by the students of SMA
Ibrahimy Wongsorejo did not meet all the needs of them, and the teacher often
look for references from other learning resources to complete the learning
material, furthermore, as the data obtained from the questionnaire, the researcher
developed an English supplementary material for the first class students of SMA
Ibrahimy Wongsorejo.
The research and development (R&D) design was used by the researcher
to develop the supplementary book. The model development in this study
described following with the explanation of Latief (2016: 188) that consists of
need analysis, development, validation and revision, try out, and revision to
produce the final product. Hence, the study began with identifying the problem of
the first class students at SMA Ibrahimy Wongsorejo.
In the need analysis, the researcher spread some questionnaires to find out
the information of the existing material and the English material needed by the
students. In addition, the researcher also interviewed the English teacher of grade
X of SMA Ibrahimy Wongsorejo. For the validation, the researcher entrust to the
English teacher who teaches in the field of science and social major in SMA
Ibrahimy Wongsorejo, English expert, lay out designer, and video creator. There
was a lot of input from them so that the products made will be the best and useful
products for the first class students of SMA Ibrahimy.
After validation, the products tested to the students. The observation
shows that the subject presented in the material was of interest to the students.
They were keen to join the online class actively. Not only interesting to learn, but
also beneficial for them. The material prepared in supplementary material adds
information about the topic being studied, can help them understand grammar
which they initially say is difficult. Also add their vocabulary and practice their
speaking. The videos prepared also help them in learning English. After two trials
to the students, the final product was obtained. The supplementary book includes
six different subjects. The key skill learned in the book is speaking skill.