The Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom in the Teaching of Writing Skill
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Universitas Islam Malang
Efendi, Ali Mahrus
2020-12-18 05:48:34 
Abstract :
Writing is an activity of expressing idea in the written form. Writing a complex skill in English because it requires some aspects to be mastered. The use of Flipped Classroom model could create a condition that help the students write with high motivation. Flipped Classroom Model is an innovative teaching strategy that reverses traditional teaching rather than lecturing, teachers assign video as homework to introduce the topic. In flipped Classroom Model, the material given first through the learning video to watch at home. Student watched the video instruction as many they wanted to understand the topic and complete the task in class where the teacher is available to assist with question to check the students? comprehension. The present study was intended to test whether or not Flipped Classroom Strategy was effective to improve students? score in writing describtive text. The formulation of research problem was: ?Is there any significant difference score on writing descriptive of the students taught by using Flipped Classroom Strategy and those taught by using a conventional strategy?? The research used quasi experimental design with quantitative approach. The Population was eighth grade of MTsN 8 Banyuwangi. The researcher took two classes as the sample. Purposive sampling technique is a type of non probability sampling where the researcher consciously selects subjects for addition in a study so as to make sure that the elements will have certain characteristics pertinent to the study. The samples were VIII A class consisted of 38 students as the control class and VIII B class consisted of 38 students as the experimental class. The control class is taught by using conventional strategy and the experimental class is taught by using flipped classroom strategy. There was outside classroom and inside classroom treatment. The data sources was gathered from the pre-test and post test. Those score then being analyzed using independent t-test in SPSS 23.. The result of the post test reveals that The mean score of Experimetal was 80.32 with the standard deviation is 3.786. The mean score of control clas was 78.45 with the standard deviation is 3.600. The independent sample t-test result is 2.205(p=0.031). Because the significance value is lower than 0.05. It means there was the significant difference in the post-test scores between the controlled class and the experimental class. It means that there was significant difference score of the descriptive writing skill between students? taught by using Flipped Classroom Strategy and those taughtby using Conventional Strategy. 

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Universitas Islam Malang