Abstract :
Toby Argananta Safitra. "The Influence of Running ABC Training on 60m Running Results
at the Age of 10-11 Years at SDN 06 Kedaung Kaliangke". Physical Education Study Program,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University ?45? Bekasi
This study aims to determine the effect of running abc training on the running results of
fifth grade students at SDN 06 Kedaung Kaliangke. The method used in this study is an experiment
with a one-group pretest-posttest design. This population uses fifth grade students at SDN 06
Kedaung Kaliangke of 20 people. Sampling using cluster random sampling technique, with this
technique, the number of samples obtained is as many as 20 students from class V.
In the results of the data obtained from the results of the 60m run test in class V SDN 06
Kedaung Kaliangke. Shows the average result of the pretest 9.22 and the post-test result of 8.45
and the difference between the results of the 60m running test is 0.77
Based on data processing from data analysis, it can be concluded that the abc running
training model has a significant effect on increasing the running results of the students of SDN 06
Kedaung Kaliangke with the score of tcount of 2,075 > ttable of 2,093 at 5% alpha or (a) = 0.05.
Keywords: Trainning, Running Abc, Running 60m