Abstract :
Putra Pratama Harahap, 41182191170089. "Development of Short Distance Running Training Model for Beginner Athletes". Thesis. Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation. Islamic University "45" Bekasi, Supervisor : Andini Dwi Intani, M.Or.
Running athletics is an activity or body activity of an athlete or runner that is carried out by running in order to minimize travel time from the start line to the finish line. During training, several problems arise, such as for beginner athletes who do not understand the techniques or movements in running which result in training results that are not as expected. When athletes do short distance running exercises.
This study aims to develop a training model for starting techniques, arm or leg movement techniques and techniques for entering the finish line in a short distance running competition so that they can be developed and provide convenience in conveying the material. The method used is Research and Development. According to Sugiyono, this research uses 10 research steps. However, due to the status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, this study only used 5 Research and Development research steps which were validated by 3 experts.
The "Development of a Short Distance Running Exercise Model for Beginner Athletes" is categorized as feasible to be used as a variation of the training model in the short distance running training process. This can be seen from the results of the assessment of 95% athletic expert lecturers and 90% motor expert lecturers and 82.5% coaching expert lecturers. So, if the total is totaled, the results of the feasibility study are 89.1%. It can be concluded that the research results can be continued to the next research stage.
Keywords: Development, Short Distance Running, and Beginner Athletes