Abstract :
This research is motivated by a decline in character/morals in students, especially at Unisma. Most of the causes of this event are technological developments in which there are many things that can affect life, both from a positive side such as science which can be accessed more easily and cheaply and from a negative side such as too much information that is easily accessible and contains about the pleasures of life that are contrary to the simple Islamic life so as to distance Muslims from the teachings of Islam. The purpose of this study was to determine the concept of morality and efforts in fostering student morals at the Islamic University "45" Bekasi. This thesis was prepared based on field data using qualitative methods. The data collected was obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies while the analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, namely descriptions and descriptions of the collected data as a whole about an actual situation.
The results of this study indicate that the campus da'wah institution at the Islamic University "45" Bekasi has a moral concept and makes efforts to foster and direct it. The concept of moral improvement and efforts to improve it are closely related, in the concept of moral improvement, LDK has 4 organized arrangements, namely (1) Preparing and increasing individual abilities to do fardi charity, (2) Preparing and increasing the skills of participants to do charity at the level of the da'wah movement. , (3) Prepare and improve the skills of participants for charity at the level of the people, (4) Prepare and improve the skills of participants for charity and interact with non-Muslims. In line with the efforts that have been set by LDK in the form of a work program which includes three aspects, namely the spiritual/spiritual aspect, the fikriyah/intellectual aspect, and the bodily/physical aspect (body resistance) as well as the muamalah aspect/relationships with fellow human beings. LDK organizationally tends to be open (inclusive) but the movement tends to be exclusive. This is because it can be seen from several things, namely the appearance of a typical LDK cadre (wide veil, the Palestinian flag, not shaking hands with the opposite sex) then the use of the hijab (barrier) in activities to provide separate distances in interacting with students outside the LDK UKM.