Abstract :
Anis Hariani Puteri (41183402150003)
The Effect of Financial and Non-Financial Compensation on Job Satisfaction at PT Tridharma Kencana Gapura Prima Plaza Building, Slipi - Central Jakarta
xv + 106 Pages + 23 Tables + 2 Graphs + 1 Diagram + 19 Attachments
Keywords: Financial Compensation, Non-financial Compensation, Job Satisfaction
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of financial and non-financial compensation on employee job satisfaction at PT Tridharma Kencana Gapura Prima Plaza Building, Slipi - Central Jakarta.
The research method used by the author is descriptive quantitative. The data used were obtained from questionnaires and sampling to 65 respondents. For data analysis using statistical tests and multiple regression analysis calculations calculated using the Statistic Product and Service Solution (SPSS) program.
The results of the F test (simultaneously) obtained that financial compensation and non-financial compensation together had a significant effect on employee job satisfaction. This result is proven by F count = 101,287 with sig = 0.000. The results of the partial test show that Financial Compensation has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction as evidenced by the regression coefficient value (?1) of 0.221 with (t count = 5.949; sig = 0.000) and Non-Financial Compensation has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction as evidenced by the value of regression coefficient (?2) is 0.582 with (t count = 8.472; sig = 0.000). So it can be stated that partially financial compensation and non-financial compensation have a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction.
amount of the contribution of Financial and Non-Financial Compensation together affects job satisfaction by 75.8% while the remaining 24.2% is influenced by other factors not included in this study.
Bibliograph : 31 (2004 ? 2020)