Abstract :
Eka Widyastuti. 41182911170082. "The Influence of the Gallery Walk Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in SMP Islam Ibnu Hajar". Thesis of Islamic Religious Education Study Program ?45? Bekasi Islamic University, 2022.
This thesis aims to determine the effect of the Gallery Walk learning model on student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education learning in class VIII SMP Islam Ibnu Hajar. The results of this study are expected to provide benefits for every reader, especially in the world of education, regarding the Gallery Walk learning model on student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education subjects.
The research method used is quantitative research with a quasi-experimental approach. The experimental class uses the Gallery Walk learning model while the control class uses the Snowball Throwing learning model. The instruments used in this research are pretest and posttest. The research population was taken from all 8th graders of Islamic Junior High School Ibnu Hajar, while the research sample in the experimental class (8B) was 14 students and the control class (8D) was 14 students. The results of the experimental class study obtained an average pretest result of 66.21 and an average posttest result of 83.57. Then the results of hypothesis testing using t- test obtained tcount 9.527 and ttable 2.160 with a significant level 0.05 then H1 is accepted, which means that there is an effect of using the Gallery Walk learning model on student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education subjects and research results. the control class obtained an average pretest value of 59.29 and a posttest average value of 66.07, then the results of hypothesis testing using t-test obtained a tcount of 4.694 and a t-table of 2.160 with a significant level of 0.05 then H1 is accepted , which means that there is an effect of using the Snowball Throwing learning model on student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education subjects. Based on this, there are differences in the results between the experimental class and the control class, so it shows that the use of the Gallery Walk learning model has an effect on student learning outcomes in Islamic religious education subjects for class VIII SMP Islam Ibnu Hajar.
Keywords: Gallery Walk, Learning Outcomes, Islamic Religious Education