Komunikasi Efektif Guru Dalam Membangun Sikap Aktif Siswa Selama Pembelajaran Hybrid
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Universitas Islam 45
Cahya, Septiana Dwi
Public Relations 
2022-09-07 08:10:15 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Universitas Islam ?45? Bekasi Study of Communication Science Faculty of Communications, Literature and Language 2022 Septiana Dwi Cahya / 41182037180013 Effective Teacher Communication In Building Students' Active Attitudes During Hybrid Learning Under the guidance Kartini Rosmala's mother 115 pages of thesis + 10 pages of romans, 4 lists of tables, 9 lists of images, and 29 sheets of attachments The COVID-19 pandemic has made many changes in various areas of human life, especially in the world of education. Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, in this case the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud) made a new policy, namely trying to start limited face-to-face learning (PTMT). So that every student will experience learning that is carried out online from home and offline at school. This term is better known as blended learning or hybrid learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the effective communication of teachers in building active attitudes of students during hybrid learning. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Cikarang Utara. Based on the research conducted, it was found that the communication carried out by teachers to build students' active attitudes during hybrid learning is said to be effective. In the process of active student learning, the teacher can clearly see that his student is doing what the teacher tells him to do through giving material that is responded to by his students by asking if the student does not understand. In addition, students also collect assignments well individually and in groups. However, there are some obstacles experienced by teachers and their students during online learning such as signal interference if learning using GoogleMeet, teachers have difficulty seeing the development of their students, decreased student morale, and students become saturated. Keywords : Interpersonal Communication, Student Activity, Hybrid Learning 
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Universitas Islam 45