Abstract :
Anggun Nauroh Nauzifah. 41182911160137. THE RELATIONSHIP OF QUR'AN LITERATURE ABILITY WITH RELIGIOUS CHARACTER (Survey of VIII Grade Students of SMP Islam Al Huda Rawasapi). Islamic Education Study Program. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. 1443 H/2022 M, 91 Pages.
This study aims to determine the relationship between Al Qur'an literacy skills and the religious character of eighth grade students of SMP Islam Al Huda Rawasapi.
This research is a survey research with a correlational approach. The sample of this study was the students of class VIII SMP Islam Al Huda Rawasapi, totaling 32 students. The research instrument consisted of two variables, namely: Al Qur'an literacy ability (variable X) using a performance test, while religious characteristics (variable Y) were obtained by using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis was carried out with normality test, homogeneity test, linearity test, regression test, and correlation test.
The results of the study obtained that the correlation coefficient data calculated by the product moment r test obtained the value of rcount = 0.592 which is greater than the value of rtable = 0.344. The rcount value of 0.592 is included in the category of a fairly strong relationship. The results of the significance test using the t-test obtained a tcount value of 4.020 which is greater than the ttable value = 2.04, meaning that there is a significant correlation between the literacy ability of the Qur'an and religious character. The regression equation is 60.368 + 0.355X, meaning that the higher the students' ability to read the Qur'an, the higher the religious character of the students. The coefficient of determination of 0.350 indicates that 35% of the variation that occurs in religious characters can be explained by the literacy ability of the Qur'an, while the remaining 65% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The conclusion of this study is that there is a positive and significant relationship between Al Qur'an literacy skills and the religious character of eighth grade students of SMP Islam Al Huda Rawasapi.
Keywords: Ability, Al Qur'an Literacy, Religious Character