Abstract :
MUHAMMAD GAMAL ABDUL RAZAQ, NPM: 41182191180162, The Effect of Hurdle Jump and Ladder Drill Exercises on Agility of Futsal Extracurricular Students at SMAI Assyafiiyah 02. Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. This study aims to see the difference in the effect of Hurdle Jump and Ladder drill exercises and improve Agility of Futsal Extracurricular Students of SMAI Assyafiiyah 02 through Hurdle Jump and Ladder Drill exercises. This study used the experimental method while the sample of this study were students of extracurricular Futsal research at SMAI Assyafiiyah 02, which consisted of 16 students. For a total population of 20 students. The instrument used for data collection is the Zig-zag Run. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The purpose of this study was to determine the agility of the futsal extracurricular students of SMAI Assyafiiyah 02. From the results of the study there was a significant influence on each team. for team A, the significance value of the T test = 0.458, the value is > 0.05. for team B, the significance value of the T test = 0.139, the value is > 0.05. In the Normality test, the results of each of the two teams have a normality distribution. For team A it is 0.077 where the value is >0.05, while for team B it is 0.200 where the value is >0.05. for the F test, each of the two teams has a homogeneous variant, for team A the F test value is 0.073 where the value is > 0.05 while for team B the F test value is 0.139 where the value is > 0.05.
Keywords: Hurdle jump, Ladder drill, Student Agility