Upaya Guru Pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan fiqih ibadah siswa di SMK Al-Muhtadin Bekasi
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Universitas Islam 45
Asyari, Ashliha Dzulfia
Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2022-09-09 02:34:33 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Ashliha Dzulfia Asyari 41182911180090. PAI TEACHER'S EFFORT IN IMPROVING STUDENT'S KNOWLEDGE OF FIRST WORSHIP AT SMK AL-MUHTADIN BEKASI. Islamic Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Islamic University "45" Bekasi, 2022 M/1444 H. The teacher's effort is an effort made by the teacher in solving a problem so that the objectives of the education can be achieved properly. Fiqh as one of the subjects part of PAI occupies an important role in efforts to shape personality, inculcate Islamic Shari'a values, attitudes, knowledge and understanding in accordance with Islamic religious law, but at Al-Muhtadin Vocational School, there are scientific questions regarding knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, some There are still many students who lack knowledge about the procedures for performing ablution, praying and even the readings that many have not memorized, even though this is very important not only as learning at school but involves lifelong worship and is also carried out in everyday life. Therefore, researchers conducted research on how the teacher's efforts in increasing the knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence in students at SMK Al-Muhtadin Bekasi. The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher's efforts in increasing the knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence in students at SMK Al-Muhtadin Bekasi. This study uses qualitative research by taking place at SMK Al-Muhtadin Bekasi. This type of research is descriptive research, the data sources are taken from Pai Teachers, students, principals. Collecting data in this research is observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by first focusing on the data, then presenting it in descriptive text, and drawing conclusions by describing it descriptively. The results showed that the efforts of fiqh teachers in increasing students' knowledge of fiqh worship were quite good. This can be proven based on the efforts that have been made by the pie teacher in increasing knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, while the efforts made include: increasing understanding of the material on Cognitive aspects C1-C6 (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation), fostering interest student learning, especially religious jurisprudence, applying student discipline and obliging to take part in reciting activities together and zuhur prayer in congregation, making reading activities a daily activity to increase knowledge of religious fiqh, and getting used to asking questions for self-improvement. Keywords: Islamic Education,Fiqh,Al-Muhtadin Vocational High school 
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Universitas Islam 45