Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pasing Mendatar Melalui Metode Small Sided Games Pada Siswa Kelas V.B Sd Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara Kabupaten Bekasi
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Universitas Islam 45
Suginda, Suginda
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas 
2022-09-13 07:15:47 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Suginda, NPM: 41182191180145, "Efforts to Improve Horizontal Passing Learning Outcomes Through the Small Sided Games Method for Class V Students at SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara Bekasi Regency Thesis Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Islamic University "45" Bekasi. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the small-sided games method could improve horizontal passing learning outcomes using the inner foot of fifth graders at SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara, Bekasi Regency. The method used in this study was classroom action research, while the subjects in this study were class V.B students at SD Negeri Karang Asih 07, Cikarang Utara, Bekasi Regency. 30 people The results of the study showed an increase in soccer horizontal passing learning outcomes, initial observations showed that only 11 (37%) students achieved the KKM score. In the first cycle there was a significant increase the results showed 17 students (57%) 83%) students who achieved the KKM score. In cycle 2 the results achieved were in accordance with what was targeted, namely 75% of students had achieved the KKM score, in this case 83% of students have achieved the KKM score, so they are not continued in the third cycle. From all the implementation of classroom action research in class V.B SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara, Bekasi Regency, from each cycle there was an increase in all aspects, as well as showing that learning horizontal football passing through small sided games was liked by most students. so that the learning of horizontal passing of football through small sided games is in accordance with the characteristics of class VB students at SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 North Cikarang Bekasi Regency and based on the results of this study small sided games can improve the learning outcomes of horizontal passing football students in class V.B SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara Regency Bekasi. From all the implementation of classroom action research in class VB SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara Bekasi Regency Academic Year 2021/2022 from each cycle has increased from all aspects, as well as showing that learning horizontal passing in football games through Small Sided Games is liked by most students, so that horizontal passing learning in soccer games through Small Sided Games is in accordance with the characteristics of class V.B students at SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 North Cikarang and based on the results of this study Small Sided Games can improve the results of learning horizontal passing in soccer games for class V.B SD Negeri Karang Asih 07 Cikarang Utara Regency Bekasi Academic Year 2021/2022 Keywords: Pasing Mendatar, football, Small Sided Gamer and Grade V Elementary School Students FOREWORD Praise be to Allah SWT, for the abundance of His grace and grace 
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Universitas Islam 45