Analisis Penerapan Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Dengan Menggunakan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Efektivitas Mesin PT. Metindo Erasakti
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Universitas Islam 45
Prihati, Widya Yuda
Manajemen Operasional 
2022-09-16 06:36:35 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to determine the results of the application of the OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) method and the factors that cause the decline in effectiveness through the measurement of six big losses and identify the dominant factors of the six big losses. This study uses the OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) method, a systematic method to measure the effectiveness of a machine or equipment process and calculate the six big losses. Based on the results of the analysis and description of the calculation results using the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) method at the stamping machine at PT. Metindo Erasakti, during January to December 2019 obtained the Availability value of the stamping machine with a value range of 93.78% to 96.17% and with an average of 94.49%. the value of the performance of the stamping machine with a value range of 58.23% to 77.11% and with an average value of 69.31%. for the quality value of the stamping machine, the value is 100%. With the Availability, performance, quality values ??of the stamping machine, the Overall Eqiupment Effectiveness (OEE) value is obtained with a range of 55.69% to 73.21% and an average value of 69.44% and with this condition it is clear that the stamping machine does not meet the requirements. World Class standard which is less than 85%. Factors that affect the low value of OEE on the percentage of six big losses are reduced speed losses of 46.14%. Then followed by idling and minor stoppage losses of 45.29%, setup and adjustment losses of 6.49%, equipment failure losses of 2.05%, rework losses 0%, yield losses 0%. Furthermore, an analysis using a fishbone diagram is carried out to determine the root cause of the problems that occur from the six big losses by considering human factors, machines, methods, environment, materials. The corrective action that can be proposed is to reduce these losses the company must carry out maintenance in accordance with the existing maintenance schedule and supervise the operator about the cleanliness of the workplace. 
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Universitas Islam 45