Pengembangan Model Latihan Ketepatan Shooting Bagi Pemain Pemula
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Universitas Islam 45
Sawaludin, Muh.
Pendidikan Olahraga 
2022-05-20 01:59:21 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT This study aims to produce a product " Development of Shooting precesion training models for novice athletes which can be used by futsal coaches as a reference for delivering shooting training models for athletes. The research method used is Research and Development. The first steps are adapting from Sugiyono's research steps which use 10 steps, but due to the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia, this study only uses 5 steps of Research and Development research proposed by Sugiyono. The feasibility test or validity test of the futsal training model by 3 experts, namely futsal sports experts, sports coaching experts and motorist. The instrument used to collect the feasibility test data for the futsal training model was a questionnaire or a scale questionnaire. The evaluation data were in the form of descriptive qualitative and quantitative proportions. The results showed that the shooting training model using tools or media in athletes was suitable for use as new futsal training. This is shown by the services provided by futsal sports experts, sports coaching experts and motorist. The final result The product by futsal experts who stated that this training model is declared "feasible to apply" with a feasibility proportion of 97.5%, the final product production by sports coaching experts shows "feasible to apply" with an eligibility proportion of 97,5%, and the results the final assessment of the product by motorist experts shows "feasible to apply" with a proportion of 95%. From the average score futsal sports experts, sports coaching experts and motorist show it is "feasible to apply" with an eligibility proportion of 90,3%. %. So the fusal shooting training video model is suitable for use by the coach as a delivery training model for athletes. Keywords: Training, Accuracy, Shooting, Futsal 
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Universitas Islam 45