Abstract :
Arif Setyawan, 41182191150172, "Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Passing Football Games through a Creative Learning Approach in Class XI Science Students of SMAN 3 Bekasi City".
The purpose of this research is to find out the results of learning the material of Passing Football Games Through Creative Learning. Therefore, the arrangement of the operational objectives is as follows: (a) to find out the learning outcomes of football game passing materials with the creative approach of SMAN 3 Bekasi city, (b) to apply Creative Passing Exercises to improve the ability of class xi children of SMAN 3 Bekasi City, (c) the form of assessment instruments from passing material learning activities. This research was conducted at SMAN 3 Bekasi City with a total sample of 30 students from class XI of the 2022/2023 school year. The time of the study was completed in 2 cycles, with a frequency of 2x a week. The meeting will be held from June 23 to July 21, 2022. The research method used is a class action research model (PTK), with the following research steps: (1) planning stage,
1. implementation stage, (3) observation stage, (4) reflection stage. This instrument is made by the researcher himself according to references and observations. To maintain the objectivity of observations using digital cameras, cellphones and video recordings at some meetings. The overall data in the form of quantitative data is analyzed descriptively in the form of achievement of achievement tests, among others, by calculating the number, calculating the average, calculating the percentage value and making graphs. Based on the data obtained from the test results of each type of action given repeatedly in each cycle, there is an increase in signification in the learning outcomes of learning materials passing football games through a creative learning approach in class XI science students at SMAN 3 Bekasi City who get a score more than the minimum completion criteria (KKM). Thus the effective use of a creative learning approach in the learning process of footballpassing material.