Abstract :
This study aims to determine the relationship between agility and
skills on the results of the footwork skills of PB Genta Bekasi members on
badminton sport.
This research is a correlational study. Population used
are 15 members of PB Genta Bekasi and the samples were taken randomly
purposive sampling as many as 5 people. Data collection techniques with
using tests and measurements. The instrument used in this study
in the form of a suttle run test for agility, a cross-motion test for speed, and a test
footwork for footwork skills. Data analysis techniques using
analysis of correlation coefficients, both simple and multiple, through the test
prerequisite for normality and linearity.
The results of this study indicate that (1) There is a relationship between
agility with footwork skills with correlation coefficient ryx1 = 0.93, (2)
There is a relationship between agility and footwork skills with
correlation coefficient ryx2 = 0.62, (3) There is no relationship between agility and
speed together on the results of footwork skills with
coefficient ryx1x2 = 0.97 for members of PB Genta Bekasi