Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of occupational safety and health and work discipline
on employee performance at gas stations 34.17131. The sample used was 31 people, techniques, data
collection by conducting interviews, observations, documentation, questionnaires, and literature studies.
The data were processed using SPSS version 22. The results showed that the partially positive and
insignificant effect of occupational safety and health variables on the performance variable was 0.361 (B)
as evidenced by the t-count value of 1.508 and (sig. 0.143) > 0.05 while the positive effect and partially
significant work discipline variable on the performance variable of 0.406 as evidenced by the t-count value
of 3.035 and (sig. 0.005) <0.05. Simultaneously there is a significant effect of occupational safety and
health and work discipline on performance as evidenced by the f-count value of 33,385 and (sig 0.000), the
value of Adjusted R Square is 0.683, which means that 68.3% of occupational safety and health and work
discipline affect performance and the remaining 31.7% influenced by factors not examined in this study.
Keywords: occupational safety and health, work discipline, and performance.