Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar
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Universitas Islam 45
Anggita, Pricilla
Pendidikan Agama Islam 
2022-05-25 08:09:05 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Pricilla Anggita, 41182911170096, The Effect of the problem based learning model on the learning outcames of grade VII students in Fiqih subjects at the Madrasah Tsanawiyyah Sirojul Munir Bekasi in the 2021/2022 academic year. Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Islamic University ?45? Bekasi. Learning is one of the most important human business activities and must be carried out throughout the life of learning. Success is the actual achievement that is displayed in the form of behavior which includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. Namely the declining learning outcomes due to several internal and external factors of students. As for improving learning outcomes, teachers must be good at choosing learning methods and models that will be applied to students, one of which is by applying the Problem Based Learning learning model. At MTs Sirojul Munir Bekasi in the 2021 2022 academic year showing unsatisfactory learning outcomes from the semester exam for fiqh subjects. The purpose of this study is: (1) To describe student learning outcomes after the application of the Problem Based Learning learning model in 7 grade Fiqh subjects at MTs Sirojul Munir Bekasi. (2) Explaining the effect of applying the Problem Based Learning learning model on the learning outcomes of 7 grade Fiqh subjects at MTs Sirojul Munir Bekasi. This type of research is in the form of experimental quantitative research with a one group pretest posttest design which aims to determine differences in learning outcomes before the application of the learning model and after the application of the problem based learning model and also to find out whether or not there is an effect of problem based learning learning model on improving learning outcomes. The data collection instrument uses tests and data analysis using normality test, homogeneity test, t test and regression test. The results of this study indicate: (1) That based on data analysis, the pretest value with an average of 46,857 and posttest value with an average of 85,428 is obtained. (2) There is an effect of learning outcomes before and after the application of problem-based learning models based on statistical analysis using regression tests, the results obtained are 0,00 < 0,05. Keywords : Problem Based Learning Model, Learning Outcomes 
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Universitas Islam 45