Implementasi Program Camp Tahfizh Dalam Meningkatkan Capaian Hafalan Al-Qur'an Di Pesantren Tahfizh Daarul Qur'an Putri Cikarang
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Universitas Islam 45
Alfath, Sivana Amalia
Hukum Islam 
2022-05-27 09:08:01 
Abstract :
Sivana Amalia Alfath. 41182911170124. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TAHFIZH CAMP PROGRAM IN IMPROVING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF MEMORIZING THE QUR?AN AT THE TAHFIZH DAARUL QUR?AN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN CIKARANG. Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Islamic University ?45? Bekasi, 2021 M/1444 H. (number of pages and attachment pages) This research was conducted to find out how the implementation of the achievement of memorizing the qur?an at the Tahfizh Daarul Qur?an Islamic Boarding School in Cikarang. This research was conducted to determine the analysis technique of the data that the researcher had obtained during research activities and the researcher attempted to explain and explain rationally, objectives and existing research is a qualitative approach, namely research that produces descriptive data in the form of written and oral explanations of the observed subject. The data in this study are data in the form of words (interviews), behavior (observations), written tests (documentation studies), and so on. The data is then processed through recording, typing, data editing, and analysis using words arranged into expanded text. Based on the data that the researchers managed to collect, the use of the tahfizh camp at the Tahfizh Daarul Qur?an Islamic Boarding School in Cikarang was quite useful to help students improve the achievement of memorization sheets every day, but in the tahfizh camp program students are able to deposit 3 to 5 memotization sheets of the Qur?an. This is because during the tahfizh camp program, students have more time and can focus more on memorizing. But there are also inhibiting factors from the implementation of the tahfizh camp program, namely students feel bored and sleepy because there are not other activities besides memorizing, and students have to carry out 5 times of tahfizh learning every day. But it can be concluded that the tahfizh camp program can help students improve the achievement of memorizing the Qur?an. Keywords: Islamic Religious Education Learning, WhatsApp Social Media, Learning Outcome 
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Universitas Islam 45